My Panoramic CubicVR Photography

I hope you enjoy what you see & please feel free to send me comments

Regards from the coast of Maine



Here is an attempt at having an electronic “gallery” to view & try out my attempts at learning cubic panoramic qtvr.

Favorite Camera

  1. -Nikon D-70

  2. -Nikon 990

Favorite Lenses

  1. -Nikor 10.5

  2. -Nikor 17-70

Favorite Software

  1. -PTGui

  2. -LightZone

  3. -Photoshop CS3

  4. -Cubic Converter

  5. -Cubic Connector

  6. -Pano2VR

  7. -

Email Me

On a MacBook with a trackpad use 2-finger swipes to move 360º around in the image